Thank You to those who care

October 13, 2010
I must say, while I am shocked at the negative responses of some who think they have no time to sit for an hour and commemorate the people who died for their rights, I am touched by those of you who have donated and/or will attend the event.

Strangers, even, when told of this event, reached into their pockets to help students. People off the street have asked if they could chip in a dollar when they didn't even have 10 to donate. Forget the economy and all the excuses it brings... Brotherhood/Sisterhood is what's going to save this generation and our future.

Thank you to all of you who care. It takes a village, and when we all work together, we are a family.



October 13, 2010
I am utterly shocked. Or am I just naive?
On January 15, 2011, "The Mountain Top" will premiere in theaters to teach young teens and their families, as well as caring community members about the Civil Rights Movement in a shocking and emotional way. It will remind us how far we've come, and where we've yet to go. It will bring back the memory of two men who died in their 30s...their 30s!! fighting for our equality. The men and women who fought and died for this were living in a time when war w...
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Journey to the Mountain

January 28, 2010
This blog will be set to document this film's journey. Well post emails from teachers, students anyone who sees this film. We will talk about the civil rights movement and how it is taught. Tell us and we will post it and comment.

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